Reveal Your True Self

With any of these services, you can discover your talents and potential, which could be very helpful for exploring career prospects, or finding out the dynamics of personal or business relationships.

They can also assist you in identifying and releasing blockages, patterns, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

By understanding the energetic dynamics at play, you can work towards healing and growth, fostering greater self-empowerment and self-mastery.


For a straight-to-the-point and easy-to-understand reading, Tantric Numerology is a good starting point.

Tantric Numerology combines numerology with the profound wisdom of tantra, Sanskrit for “woven together”. With it, we can get a holistic understanding of your life’s journey, unlocking the wisdom of vibrations and discovering the profound benefits it holds for your personal growth and well-being.

Your tantric code consists of seven numbers. Knowing your personal numbers will allow you to harmonise your soul’s expression and achieve your purest potential.

What can I discover with Tantric Numerology?

    • Soul (inner self), i.e. your inner dialogue
    • Personality (outer self), i.e. how you relate with other
    • Special talents
    • Skills you have mastered in your past lives and how people perceive you
    • Life path, the route your soul wants to take
    • Limiting beliefs
    • Secret Weapon

What does the Tantric Numerology study include?

    • Preliminary study
    • 60-minute online consultation
    • Personalised numerology report
    • A voice recording of the session and your report in PDF (provided after the session for you to download).

What information will I require from you?

  • Your date of birth

Although not necessarily, if you would like to add your full name I may add some additional information to the session.


Tantric Numerology study             £125


A Numerology study provides a more in-depth deep dive into your personal characteristics, family and ancestry, and life stages.

This method is based on Pythagorean theory, but not only, as it has been developed and combined with other techniques. You can employ it to analyse and interpret various aspects of your life, including your personal traits, strengths and weaknesses, and your life path. Unlike the other methods in this range, the Numerology study introduces cycles and stages, to provide you with a clear timeline.

What can I discover with Numerology Study?

    • Essence, your inner “orchestra conductor”
    • Personality or Mask, also known as Life Path
    • Special talents
    • Skills you’ve mastered in your past lives
    • Family dynamics
    • Programme unconsciously installed by family origins
    • Sixth sense that will guide you to your true path
    • Relationship tendencies
    • Biggest fears
    • Life scenario
    • Life stages
    • Blockages at each life stage
    • Energetic bridges to overcome each blockage


Numerology study                   £188

What does the Numerology Study include?

    • Preliminary study
    • 90-minute online consultation
    • Personalised numerology report
    • A voice recording of the session and your report in PDF (provided after the session for you to download).

What information will I require from you?

    • Your date of birth
    • Your full name at birth, including your surname from your father line and from your mother line (middle name, if you do not have included)
    • Your current name and any previous names you have used


With the Soul Plan, I will provide a comprehensive study of your life’s purpose, strengths and weaknesses. This method’s roots lie in the ancient Hebrew Gematria focusing on the vibration of your birth name.

The energy associated with each letter in your name will provide a code or the key to revealing the secrets that manifest in your life as a human being. This will be symbolised by a particular Star of Creation, which is like a 3D six-pointed star (Tetrahedron), that represents the energetic structure of the person you are.

These two inverted triangles, with the particular symbols that will be calculated from your name, will represent major aspects of life, and in the centre, the Soul Destiny or quintessence.

What can I discover with Soul Plan reading?

    • Worldly Challenges, Talents and Goals
    • Spiritual Challenges, Talents and Goals
    • Soul Destiny
    • The imagery associated with your Star of Creation (symbols that your soul will understand)

What does the Soul Plan reading include?

    • Preliminary study and preparation of your Star of Creation diagram
    • 90-minute online consultation
    • Personalised report with Star of Creation diagram
    • Energy clearing and re-alignment healing meditation
    • A voice recording of the session and your report in PDF (provided after the session for you to download).

What information will I require from you?

    • Your full name given at birth (as it appears on the birth certificate)
    • Your current name and any previous names you have used

Although not necessarily, if you would like to add your date of birth, I may add some additional information to the session.


Soul Plan Reading                             £188


My Healing & Guidance Integrative session (H&G) combines all the different techniques, tools, and holistic healing therapies that I practise, so you can release what no longer serves you and empower yourself to become the Master of your own life.

I may use one or several techniques, depending on what I feel you need the most at that time, and based on your preferences.

This will not be your standard Counselling and Coaching session, it will always have a twist. Words are so powerful, they can hurt but they can also heal. As I say, open your heart to me and I will open your eyes.

You can book a single session or a bundle of 4 or 8 sessions, to be used within 6 and 12 months respectively.

I offer a free 20-min video to assess your case.

What may a H&G Integrative session include?

    • Counselling and Coaching
    • Numerology
    • Tarot
    • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping)
    • Hypnosis
    • Meditation
    • Relationship guidance

What information will I require from you?

    • Your health & mental health
    • Your date of birth
    • Your full name at birth, including your surname from your father line and from your mother line (middle name, if you do not have included)
    • Your current name and any previous names you have used


Single H&G Integrative session (60-min)             £125

4x Bundle H&G Integrative sessions (£500)       £440

8x Bundle H&G Integrative sessions (£1000)      £800


This service is ideal for analysing the compatibility of a partnership – be it personal, romantic or professional. Using your full names and dates of birth, you can discover why a certain person is in your life, what lessons you need to learn through them, your wound from past lives, and your antidote and destiny.

This report will provide an outlook on the partnership’s tendencies, allowing you to work towards a mutual understanding and laying the foundations for success.

The study can be done for two or more individuals.

Who is the Synastry/Compatibility Report for?

  • Romantic partners
  • Family members
  • Business partners or associates
  • Two or more individuals

What does the Synastry/Compatibility Report include?

  • Preliminary study
  • 90-minute online consultation
  • Personalised numerology report
    A voice recording of the session and your report in PDF (provided after the session for you to download).

Contact me for a personalised quote for a compatibility report based on more than two people.

What information will I require from each of you?

  • Your date of birth
  • Your full name at birth, including your surname from your father line and from your mother line (middle name, if you do not have included)
  • Your current name

Price is based on two people

Synastry/Compatibility report          £215

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